Rushford Hall, 2223 Central Ave NE
$25 (tax deductable) benefit NEMS Theatre program! Now in its’ 3rd year, this growing program has doubled its productions and student participation. A record 75 students expressed interest in being involved with the musical, making it one of the most popular after school activities. This year we will produce both a play and musical, involving over 100 students on and back stage.
The Fall Play, The Odyssey, showcased students’ ability to tell a moving story from one of the oldest pieces of classical literature. The musical, Seussical Jr. takes us to the other end of the spectrum to the colorful and imaginative world of Dr. Seuss.
While the theatre program enjoys support from staff, volunteers and community support, it still takes money. Middle School needs to raise $10,000 to make this opportunity a reality for it’s’ students.
We are pleased to announce our Headline Entertainment, Whiskey Mondays, NEMS staff member Sean Baldwin’s American Band!
Doors open at 7:00, Silent Auction bidding closes at 9:00. Donations are still being accepted for Food & Beverage and Silent Auction items. Please contact Kimberlee Adams 612-668-1483 for more information.

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