The cost of the ad will be paid out of proceeds from the sale of donated restaurant gift certificates. Seventeen Northeast restaurants & the Eastside Food Cooperative are collectively donating 216 ($10) gift certificates to be sold at face value with 100% of the proceeds going toward the cost of the ad.
The May 5th ad is sponsored by the following Northeast establishments. Amici, Anchor Fish & Chips, Chimborazo, Crescent Moon Bakery, Eastside Food Cooperative, Elsie's, Emily's, Erte, Hazel's Northeast, Holy Land, JAX Café, Marino's, Mill City Café, Modern Café, Northeast Social, Red Stag Supper Club, Sen Yai Sen Lek, and The Sample Room!
You can thank the generous sponsors by choosing to frequent their fine establishments as often as possible. When you do so, please take an extra moment to thank them for sponsoring the big “E” ad in the Northeaster.
Kurt Nowacki, Edison Volunteer & Parent of Two Future Tommies

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