On hand for the unveiling were Bernadeia Johnson, Superintendent of Minneapolis Public Schools, Carla Steinbach, Principal of Thomas Edison High School, Susan Thompson, Chief Legal Counsel – Cardiac, Rhythm and Vascular, Boston Scientific, Brien Kennedy, WCCO-TV Vice President and General Manager and Paul Polizzotto, President & Founder, EcoMedia.
The rooftop solar photovoltaic system has been installed on the roof of the gymnasium and is being coordinated as part of a major energy efficiency retrofit in the Minneapolis Public Schools. It is designed to give students a hands-on learning tool to understand the science of solar energy as part of the broader earth and climate science curricula. The solar impacts of the installation will reduce the cost of electrical consumption, reduce CO2 annually by an estimated 3,000 pounds, and result in annual cost savings.
“We are pleased that Boston Scientific and EcoMedia decided to invest in a solar project with Minneapolis Public Schools,” said Bernadeia Johnson, Superintendent of Schools. “This project is significant because it provides an opportunity for Thomas Edison to expand its science curriculum to include solar energy and supports one of our key values which is to be environmentally sustainable.”
The EcoAd program provides advertisers, such as Boston Scientific, with the option of purchasing "socially responsible media" that will deliver added value beyond traditional advertising. With the purchase of every EcoAd package, a portion of the dollars spent goes directly toward funding environmental and clean energy projects, all of which have been identified by local municipalities and public entities as being critical, yet under-funded. EcoAd advertising packages are available across CBS platforms, including network, local television, radio, outdoor and online.
“Boston Scientific is committed to bettering the communities in which we live and do business. Our support of the EcoMedia project at Thomas Edison High School is just one example of our ongoing effort to protect the environment,” said Susan Thompson, Chief Legal Counsel – Cardiac, Rhythm and Vascular, Boston Scientific. “This project also provides us an opportunity to further advance science and math education in the local school district, another area we support through our corporate citizenship platform.”
All EcoAds advertisements feature the EcoAd leaf which is a visible indicator that the brand is sponsoring important, local environmental projects such as solar installations, energy efficiency retrofits or the ‘greening” of schools, affordable housing and municipal buildings. “At EcoMedia, our mission is to create healthy communities nationwide; that can’t be done without including children and youth in our efforts,” said EcoMedia founder and president Paul Polizzotto. “Obviously, the next generation deserves a clean environment and green space in which to play and exercise. But in addition, children need to know the importance of environmental stewardship. Those values are learned at home, in the community, and at school and we are proud and gratified that the Boston Scientific solar project will help to bring those critical lessons to the students of Thomas Edison High School. We are grateful to Boston Scientific for the commitment they are making to their community as well as the investment towards improving the quality of life for generations to come.”

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